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  3. What Was Quetzalcoatl
William Irwin Thompson on Brooklyn Bridge, 1996

William Irwin Thompson (born 16 July 1938) is known primarily as a social philosopher and cultural critic, but he has also been writing and publishing poetry throughout his career and received the Oslo International Poetry Festival Award in 1986. He describes his writing and speaking style as 'mind-jazz on ancient texts'. He is the founder of the Lindisfarne Association.

  • 2Work
    • 2.2Works
  • 5External links
    • 5.1By Thompson
    • 5.2About Thompson


Thompson was born in Chicago, Illinois and grew up in Los Angeles, California. Thompson received his B.A. at Pomona College and his Ph.D. at Cornell University. He was a professor of humanities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then at York University in Toronto, Ontario. He has held visiting appointments at Syracuse University, the University of Hawaii, the University of Toronto and the California Institute of Integral Studies.

In 1973, he left academia to found the Lindisfarne Association. The Association, which he led from 1972 to 2012, was a group of scientists, poets, and religious scholars who met in order to discuss and to participate in the emerging planetary culture.[1] Thompson lived in Switzerland for 17 years. He describes a recent work, Canticum Turicum in his 2009 book, Still Travels: Three Long Poems, as 'a long poem on Western Civilization that begins with folktales and traces of Charlemagne in Zurich and ends with the completion of Western Civilization as expressed in Finnegans Wake and the traces of James Joyce in Zurich.'

Thompson is a Founding Mentor to the private K-12Ross School in East Hampton, New York. In 1995, with mathematician Ralph Abraham, he designed a new type of cultural history curriculum based on their theories about the evolution of consciousness.[2] Thompson currently resides in Portland, Maine.


Thompson did his Master's Essay at Cornell on applying the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead to poetry; he did his doctoral dissertation on the Easter Rising in Dublin 1916. While serving on the faculty at MIT in the 1960s, Thompson met famed media ecologist Marshall McLuhan, who would influence Thompson's writings on cultural history. Thompson engages a diverse set of traditions, including the Swiss cultural historian Jean Gebser, the Vedic philosopher Sri Aurobindo Ghose, the autopoeticepistemology of Francisco Varela, the endosymbiotic theory of evolution of Lynn Margulis, the Gaia Theory of James Lovelock, the complex systems thought of Ralph Abraham, the novels of Thomas Pynchon, and the daimonic transmissions of mystic David Spangler.



Performance is central to Thompson's approach. Performances either open new horizons for the future or close them down, and should be judged on that basis. Thompson thought that with the emergence of the integral era and its electronic media expressions that a new mode of discourse was required. He sought 'to turn non-fiction into a work of art on its own terms. Rather than trying to be a scholar or a journalist writing on the political and cultural news of the day, I worked to become a poetic reporter on the evolutionary news of the epoch'.[3] He espoused the notion that one must express an integral approach not just in content but in the very means of expressing it. Thompson did this in the way he approached teaching: 'The traditional academic lecture also became for me an occasion to transform the genre, to present not an academic reading of a paper, but a form of Bardic performance–not stories of battles but of the new ideas that were emerging around the world..The course was meant to be a performance of the very reality it sought to describe'.[4]

'Wissenskunst' (literally, 'knowledge-art') is a German term that Thompson coined to describe his own work. Contrasting it with Wissenschaft, the German term for science, Thompson defines Wissenskunst as 'the play of knowledge in a world of seriousComing into being' is a translation of the Greek term gignesthai, from which the word genesis is derived.[8]

Self and Society[edit]

In his 2004 book Self and Society: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness, and in collaboration with the mathematician Ralph Abraham, Thompson related Gebser's structures to periods in the development of mathematics (arithmetic, geometric, algebraic, dynamical, chaotic) and in the history of music.


The Lindisfarne Fellows House in Crestone, Colorado

Thompson considers fellow Irishman James Joyce's stylistically experimental novel Finnegans Wake to be 'the ultimate novel, indeed, the ultimate book,' and also to be the climactic artistic work of the modern period and of the rational mentality. Thompson is fascinated by Los Angeles, where he grew up, and Disneyland, which he considers to be LA's essence. He has also written a book-length treatment of the Easter Rising of 1916.

Thompson has critiqued postmodernliterary criticism, artificial intelligence, the technological futurism of Raymond Kurzweil, the contemporary philosophy of mind theories of Daniel Dennett and Paul Churchland, and the astrobiologicalcosmogony of Zecharia Sitchin.


Thompson's second book, At the Edge of History was reviewed in The New York Times by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt in March 1971.[9]

Retrieved 16 March 2014. Moyet • ^ Brinn, David (23 February 2010)..

Thompson's 1974 Passages About Earth was reviewed in Time. The reviewer wrote:

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From ample but largely gloomy evidence of rapid social change — future shock, ecological disruption, population explosion, proliferation of information — Thompson draws a startling conclusion: 'We are the climactic generation of human cultural evolution.' Man, he asserts, will now either slide back into a new Dark Age or evolve into a higher, more spiritual being.

Which way will we go? The author opts for evolution. While such optimism is as welcome as it is rare these days, it is largely based on mysticism and intimations of a 'new planetary culture,' which Thompson shares with Philosopher Teilhard de Chardin and Science-Fiction Writer Arthur C. Clarke. This is thin epistemological ice even for a skater as fast as Thompson. Indeed, incredulous readers may drop the book after the first reference to 'our lost cosmological orientation.' That would be a mistake. Agree with it or not, Passages is always fascinating, a magical mystery tour of man's potential.[10]

Thompson's 1981 book The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light: Mythology, Sexuality, and the Origins of Culture was reviewed in the New York Times Book Review by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt. Lehmann-Haupt concluded:

In The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, William Irwin Thompson has gone part of the way toward rescuing mysticism from its Western friends. But only part of the way.[11]

In his book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Daniel Pinchbeck referred to Thompson as a cultural critic, a mystic, a practicing yogi,[12] 'one of the few modern intellectuals to appreciate Steiner's work',[13] and

2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf File Online

one of a small number of original thinkers who not only understands our present impasse but realizes it is not the whole story. Something else is taking place as well— a sidereal movement of consciousness returning us to levels of awareness denied and repressed by the materialist thrust of our current civilization. Essential in this process, according to Thompson, is a change in our understanding of myth. We can change 'from a postmodern sensibility in which myth is regarded as an absolute and authoritarian system of discourse to a planetary culture in which myth is regarded as isomorphic, but not identical to scientific narratives.'[14]

Selected works[edit]

  • 'The Language of 'Finnegans Wake' The Sewanee Review Vol. 72, No. 1 (Winter, 1964), pp. 78–90[15]
  • 'Collapsed universe and structured poem: An essay in Whiteheadian criticism' (thesis), College English, October 1966
  • The Imagination of an Insurrection: Dublin, Easter 1916: A Study of an Ideological Movement, 1967
  • At the Edge of History: Speculations on the Transformation of Culture, 1971
  • 'The Individual as Institution: The Example of Paolo Soleri.' Harper's, 1972
  • Passages about Earth: An Exploration of the New Planetary Culture, 1974
  • Evil and World Order, 1976
  • Darkness and Scattered Light, 1978
  • The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture, 1981, 2001 ISBN0-312-80512-8
  • From Nation to Emanation: Planetary Culture and World Governance, 1982
  • Blue Jade from the Morning Star: An Essay and a Cycle of Poems on Quetzalcoatl, 1983
  • Pacific Shift, 1986
  • Gaia, A Way of Knowing, 1988 (editor)
  • Selected Poems, 1959-1980, 1989
  • Imaginary Landscape: Making Worlds of Myth and Science, 1989
  • Gaia Two: Emergence, The New Science of Becoming, 1991 (editor)
  • Islands Out of Time: A Memoir of the Last Days of Atlantis: A Novel, 1990
  • Reimagination of the World: A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture (with David Spangler), 1991
  • The American Replacement of Nature: The Everyday Acts and Outrageous Evolution of Economic Life, 1991 ISBN0-385-42025-0
  • Worlds Interpenetrating and Apart: Collected Poems, 1959-1995, 1997
  • Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness, 1996, 1998 ISBN0-312-17692-9
  • Transforming History: A Curriculum for Cultural Evolution, 2001 & 2009. ISBN978-1-58420-069-7
  • Self and Society: Studies in the Evolution of Culture, 2004 & 2009, ISBN0-907845-82-7; ISBN978-1-84540-133-7.
  • A Diary of Sorts and Streets, Poems, 2007 (Onteros Press: P. O. Box 5720, Santa Fe NM 87502) ISBN978-1-4243-2271-8
  • Still Travels: Three Long Poems, (Wild River Books: Princeton, NJ, 2009).ISBN978-0-557-07882-0
  • Beyond Religion: The Culture Evolution of the Sense of the Sacred from Shamanism to Post-Religious spirituality (Lindisfarne Books: Great Barrington, MA, 2013) ISBN978-1-58420-151-9
  • Nightwatch and Dayshift: Poems 2007-2014 (Wild River Books, Stockton, NJ). ISBN9780983918899


  1. ^Philip Herrera, 'Waiting For Godlings', Time Monday, April 08, 1974
  2. ^'Founding Mentor William Irwin Thompson Visits'
  3. ^Thompson, 'The Cultural Phenomenology of Literature', 89 http://www.nald.ca/fulltext/ltonword/complete.pdfArchived 2006-09-06 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^Thompson, 'The Cultural Phenomenology of Literature', 89-90 http://www.nald.ca/fulltext/ltonword/complete.pdfArchived 2006-09-06 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture, 4
  6. ^Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, The Time Falling Bodies take to Light: Mythology, sexuality and the Origins of Culture- review. New York Times. 1981. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/01/22/books/books-of-the-times-books-of-the-times.html
  7. ^The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, 102
  8. ^http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?l=g&p=3
  9. ^Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, 'History as Science-Fiction', March 19, 1971 New York Times
  10. ^Philip Herrera,'Waiting For Godlings', Time Monday, April 08, 1974
  11. ^Christopher Lehmann-Haupt review of The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light. Mythology, Sexuality, and the Origins of Culture. January 22, 1981 [1]
  12. ^Daniel Pinchbeck, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, p8 Penguin Group, 2007 ISBN1-58542-592-3, ISBN978-1-58542-592-1
  13. ^Pinchbeck, p140
  14. ^Pinchbeck, p8
  15. ^The Language of 'Finnegans Wake'

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: William Irwin Thompson
  • The Evolution of William Irwin Thompson Cultural Historian a 2006 essay by Joy E. Stocke
  • The Science of Myth, an interview.

By Thompson[edit]

2012 Return Of Quetzalcoatl Pdf File


  • Foreword to Canticum, Turicum, 2005
  • [permanent dead link] 'This Time, Let's Build a New Venice and Not Another New Orleans' and 'The Need for a Tricameral Legislature', 2005[dead link]:wq
  • 'The Case for Teaching Geometry before Algebra', 2005 (PDF file)[dead link]
  • 'Al Qaeda, the Neocons, and the Transition from Nation-State to Noetic Polity (RTF file)
  • 'The Borg or Borges?' (PDF file), 2003
  • 'The Cultural Phenomenology of Literature', 2002
  • 'Studies in the Evolution of Culture' (Introduction to Self and Society) (PDF file), 2002
  • 'The Evolution of the Afterlife' (PDF file), 2002
  • 'Speculations on the City and the Evolution of Consciousness', 2000 (PDF file)
  • ''The Four Cultural Ecologies of the West''. Archived from the original on August 29, 2000. Retrieved November 21, 2005.Cite uses deprecated parameter dead-url= (help), 1998
  • 'Nine Theses For A Gaia Politique', 1986
  • 'It's Already Begun: The Planetary Age is an unacknowledged daily reality', 1986
  • 'The Metaindustrial Village: A possible future encapsulates history..and moves beyond', 1983


  • 'Still Travels'Wild River Review, 2007
  • Canticum, Turicum, 2006
  • [permanent dead link] 'The Lessons of History' a poem-essay
  • [permanent dead link] 'Sunset at Point Lobos', 1964
  • 'The Death of Neda', 2009
  • 'Vade-Mecum Angelon', 2010

About Thompson[edit]

What Was Quetzalcoatl

  • The Gaian Politics of Lindisfarne’s William Irwin Thompson by Ralph Peters, 2002
  • 'Wiliam Irwin Thompson' by Grant Schuyler
  • 'Coming Into Being: A Reader's Journal' by Bobby Matherne, 1997
  • [permanent dead link] Booklist review of Coming into Being by Patricia Monaghan
  • NYT review of The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, January 22, 1981
  • Encyclopedia Barfieldiana entry on Thompson
  • Lindisfarne Cafe Memoir:


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