Failing Driving Test 3 Times Ca


Failing Driving Test 3 Times Ca

Failing Driving Test 3 Times Ca Election

Failing Driving Test 3 Times Ca. 1/26/2018 0 Comments I took my behind the wheel exam earlier today confident that I was going to pass no problem since I've been riding dirty with no license for 9 years, which equated to plenty of driving practice in my book. NOPE, failed. Damn they are picky. If you take the written test in a foreign language, you must also take a traffic signs test. The English language written test is available in large print. There is also an audio version and a video version (American Sign Language). All test questions are based on the California Driver Handbook. If you fail your law test, don't worry.

  • #2
  • #3
    My friend passed on her seventh attempt, but now doesn't drive, and my mum stopped after her 14/15th attempt. If it just isn't clicking with you, it may be a good time to pause and take a break? My mum was a good technical driver, but never had the confidence to pass her test, and has since developed PTSD, and I am personally very happy that she isn't allowed to drive.
    I'm not saying you never will be! But it might not be rght for you just now.
  • #4
    Hmmm....if someone fails their driving test more than (say) ten times, you kinda start thinking they shouldn't ever be driving really.
  • #5
    Yes, it went in to double figures.

    You must've been relieved I guess? I'd just had a right bollocking from my dad
    My friend passed on her seventh attempt, but now doesn't drive, and my mum stopped after her 14/15th attempt. If it just isn't clicking with you, it may be a good time to pause and take a break? My mum was a good technical driver, but never had the confidence to pass her test, and has since developed PTSD, and I am personally very happy that she isn't allowed to drive.
    I'm not saying you never will be! But it might not be rght for you just now.

    It's weird, I just said too my instructor that I've become sick of driving. Each time I go into the test centre the pressure just gets higher and higher. I don't know if I have PTSD but I have had moments where I've panicked. I had my first practical test in 2012 and now it's 2014. I'll soon have to retake my theory test.
  • #6
    Hmmm....if someone fails their driving test more than (say) ten times, you kinda start thinking they shouldn't ever be driving really.

    I started thinking that after my 3rd failure. It's become so horrible for me that I wouldn't mind travelling my public transport for the rest of my life
  • #7
    You must've been relieved I guess? I'd just had a right bollocking from my dad
    It's weird, I just said too my instructor that I've become sick of driving. Each time I go into the test centre the pressure just gets higher and higher. I don't know if I have PTSD but I have had moments where I've panicked. I had my first practical test in 2012 and now it's 2014. I'll soon have to retake my theory test.

    No kidding. I had to change my instructor numerous times but moreso what made a difference for me was practicing and sitting the test in a different town. I also used hypnotherapy. I kept making mistakes I wouldn't normally make, during tests because I'd built it up to the extent that I didn't believe in myself when I sat the test and worried about every decision I made, so I over thought things and got done for hesitancy. I found it very difficult to park in the first test centres car park, which often did for me in tests - its still the hardest car park to park in that I've had to deal with, since passing over 7 years ago but nowadays I'd be better at it because I'd know im not on a test lol plus when I was learning and sitting my test, I had to use the instructors large car but after passing I bought a nice small car which is much easier to park as its less wide etc.
    Also while I was sitting the test at the harder venue, they moved it temporarily once and where it was re-located to was a nightmare as it was next to a dual carriageway which had a contra-flow by the exit and a nearly invisible delivery goods exit from the hotel (it was held in the hotel) - I was done for not shoulder checking the barely visible good exit on my way towards the main car park exit on that attempt, what a joke(!) to me it was clear there was nothing coming after a quick glance and if there was, it would have been a lorry, so surely I'd have seen or heard? but hey-ho, that was years ago. I know its very important to be very competent before being given your full licence though as I've had to use defensive driving many, many times - I'm lucky I can react quite quickly and brake quickly enough to avoid hitting cars in front etc.
    I did the pass plus course too but im still phobic of driving on motorways. I try and get out with my parents and drive on a motorway a few times a year. I think I was especially lucky in that I ended up with an AA instructor who also taught lorry/HGV drivers and was very, very good. My previous instructor basically didn't really teach me anything new, I ended up realising I was just driving down the same roads, doing the same maneouvres, doing everything the same week after week then sitting the test and not really getting anywhere, so I stopped going to him for lessons.
    Oh and I had to retake my theory test too - thankfully passed first time.
  • #8
  • #9
    I can say this much too - I haven't had a single point off my license or a speeding ticket since I got my full licence.
  • #10
    My dad passed on his 7th attempt and still drives now.
    Maybe take a break - you could be putting too much pressure on yourself which could be effecting you in the tests.
  • #11
    No but I had about 200 lessons.
    The silly thing is the test really nerves you up- no matter how many mocks you done. So I really don't know if it screws some people over, or whether the correct result comes from it.
    But I know the important thing is care on the roads at all times- learn that- and you're halfway to passing.
  • #12
    Hmmm....if someone fails their driving test more than (say) ten times, you kinda start thinking they shouldn't ever be driving really.

    Most of them are probably fine to drive, they just suffer under test conditions. The test drive company certainly won't mind taking their money again and again.
  • #13
    Most of them are probably fine to drive

    I'll take your word for that!
    It'd be interesting to see some statistics on driver safety versus number of times taken to pass the driving test. Wonder if anyone's ever attempted to research it?
  • #14
    Most of them are probably fine to drive, they just suffer under test conditions. The test drive company certainly won't mind taking their money again and again.

    No kidding. Hypnotherapy seemed to really help me, if that's of any use/interest to anyone. I managed to pass on the first attempt I took after undertaking my course of hypnotherapy.
  • #15
    I passed on my third test. First one the man was a right w*nker he said I was going to slow around the country roads which wasn't true, my friends had warned me he was a barsteward so I knew what to expect.
    Second test the guy was lovely but I rightly failed for cutting somebody up on an island
    third test I expected to fail. My instructors car had broke the night before so I had to take my test in a Ford when Id been learning in a Peugeot. I had a lesson the night before and as my test was at 8:30am I had a quick 30 minutes again. I was so incredibly nervous. A girl at work who was learning same time as me had passed weeks before on her second so the pressure was really on. I did good, the manoeuvres were fine, came to the last roundabout before the test and stalled it but I did the correct thing and drove back into the test centre. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes and the lump at the back of the throat. When he said I passed I did literally burst into tears, felt like all the pressure had been lifted off my shoulders.
    That was back in March 2006 so been driving nearly 8 years now.
    OP good luck with your test whenever you do take it and pass
  • #16
    I passed my test on my 6th attempt but I had a 13 year break between the 3rd and 4th test by which time everything had changed. In my first two tests I didn't have the theory just had to answer some questions at the end and there was no show and tell bit. I did used to get very nervous before the test and would make stupid mistakes, I once stalled getting out of the test centre car park and that was it I was gone. I actually said that if I didn't pass the last test I wouldn't carry on but I did pass (I put it down to be on the 29th February:D) and am a very good driver apparently. I have never had an accident that was my fault, no points on my licence, never been done for speeding and drive every single day.
  • #17
    Mummynoooway crashed on her 5th time. I think that was an instant fail.
  • #18
    I can say this much too - I haven't had a single point off my license or a speeding ticket since I got my full licence.

    You're not trying hard enough then.
  • #19
    yes 5 times and passed on the 6th. i was completely robbed on my third though
  • #20
    Hmmm....if someone fails their driving test more than (say) ten times, you kinda start thinking they shouldn't ever be driving really.
    To be honest I wouldn't even say that high...
    There was a program years back about a woman who had failed her test multiples times, and although she passed in the end I didn't see that as a good thing... she was totally inept and should never have been allowed on the road.
    Personally I'd like to see something like fail tree times and you can't take it again for at least a year or been on a more intensive training course.
    Once, twice can be nerves or bad luck more than that and you really have to start thinking there's a fundamental problem with regard to some peoples ability, attention to detail or quite simply road sense!
  • #21
    My brother failed five times, bought a motor bike and rode it with an L Plate for a couple of years. Then he took his driving test and passed that time.
  • #22
    OP what is the reason you're failing and how many majors do you get?
  • #23
    There really should be a limit on how many times you can retake the test, or some requirement for a retest after a length of time for people who fail 9 times in a row and then scrape through the 10th time. If you can't deal with the stress of a simple 40 minute drive with someone marking you, perhaps you shouldn't be on the road.
    That said, I also think there should be a requirement to resit your test if you haven't driven for a certain length of time.
  • #24
    I've just my 7th/8th driving test and I've failed yet again. To be honest I don't care to remember exactly how many times I've taken my practical test as it's become that embarrassing

    Don't give up. I passed on my 8th (sailed through theory, 1st time, practicals a nightmare) and have had nearly 6 years with no points or worse, since passing. Apart from cringeing at the expense, it doesn't bother me any more...that it took so long. I had no driving experience whatsoever, before learning, and was in a terrible domestic situation at the time, which destroyed my nerves. If I'd given up (and nearly did after the 7th failure, but the examiner talked me out of packing in), I wouldn't be in the situation I 'm in today whereby driving has changed my life so much for the better.
    Good luck with future attempts. You will get there. I don't think I'm a better or worse driver than the average person, despite my painfully slow start.
    Funnily enough, my next best test from the one I passed was actually my first, where I had 5 minors and one 'serious'. It went downhill from there and it became a bit of a cognitive block. Don't listen to people who say there should be a limit (unless someone has failed multiple, multiple times across many years). Unless you have a lot of prior experience, you only really 'learn' to drive after you've passed your test. Until then, you're learning to pass a test.
  • #25
    What? After 5 surely it's time to think 'I'm just not cut out for driving and a danger to everyone' and give it up?? #passed 1st time
  • #26
    My sons friend took 11 attempts to pass his test. Sadly he was killed in a car crash not long after (in his early 20s) Makes you think that maybe sometimes people just aren't cut out to drive. His poor family.
Written test center: Department of Motor Vehicles Santa Ana, 1330 E First St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Behind-the-wheel driving test center: Department of Motor Vehicles Laghuna Hills, 23535 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Laghuna Hills DMV Drive Route:
First attempt: After clearing written exam, I booked an appointment for behind-the-wheel driving test. I took 2 training classes 1 hour each in Toyota Corolla. Then, I rented Cheverlot Cruze over a weekend from Enterprise and did practice. I had confidence that I will clear the exam. I had the exam on Monday. A weekend before, I went to Enterprise to rent a car for Sat, Sun, and Mon. This time they said no. When I asked the reason, they said that I have learning license. They can rent a car on permanent driving license only. When I told them that a few days back I got the car on same learning license then they said, it was a mistake. If you have any permanent driving license then we can give a car to you even if you have that license from another country. By mistake, I had left my Indian 4-wheeler driving license in India during my last visit. So I had no option, I came back to home. Then, I called driving instructor and asked him if he is available during my appointment time to come with me with his car so that I can use his car for driving test. He said yes. I took one more class from him for 1 hour just before my appointment time. Then, I was ready for the test. Examiner joined me in the car and started giving me directions to go. I completed the track and felt that I did a good job. When he calculated my mistakes, it counted 16. All those were minor mistakes, nothing critical. He said 15 minor mistakes are allowed, you did 1 extra. Try next time.
Second attempt: I was sure that I'll not get a car on rent so I didn't try again. I called same driving instructor and practiced one hour before my appointment time and gave the test. This time the moment I came out from the parking of DMV office, I had to take a right turn. The steering turned more towards the right side and it was about to hit the curb. I controlled. Examiner had to interfere. He marked it as a critical mistake and asked me to take U-turn from next red light. I failed the exam.
Third attempt: This time my confidence was low. So I took two hours class on weekend and one hour before my appointment time and gave the test. This time I completed more than half a track then I found a car going left side of me. That road was of 45 miles/hr speed limit. I had to take a left turn after some time. I slowed down waiting for that car to pass so that I can move into left lane. But that car also got slowed down with me. It was awkward. Examiner asked me why you slowed down. I said I wanted that car to pass. He said it is 45 miles/hr track, you can not slow down to change lane. He asked me to take back to DMV office instead of taking a left turn. He marked it as a critical mistake, saying I was driving at 30 miles/hr on 45 miles/hr road. I failed.
In all 3 attempts, I went to same DMV center but I got different examiner every time.
My confidence reached to bottom after this. I had a plan to travel India for a month so I decided to take a break for a month and try after coming back from India. I booked my written test appointment date immediately after my return date to USA. If you fail behind-the-wheel driving test 3 times then you need to give written test again. I had a car in India so I drove that for a month almost every day. I came back USA with my 4-wheeler Indian driving license.
Fourth attempt: I passed my written test. Now, I could rent a car. My friend advised me to book behind-the-wheel on any available Monday so that I could rent a car on Saturday and keep it till Monday (exam day). The point is: Give exam with the same car which you are using for practice. I booked my behind-the-wheel appointment on Monday. I rented a car from Saturday to Monday. I drove it whole Saturday and Sunday to different places with my friend. I practiced on DMV track as well. I got my confidence back. On appointment day, nobody was available to go with me. Somebody (having a permanent driving license) has to sit with you if you have learning permit. After asking so many people, one of my friends agreed to come with me. I thought to reach little early so that I can do practice on same track once though I had driven on Sunday evening. But my friend had meeting in the office. So we started 30 minutes before my appointment time. We reached 15 minutes late there. I got the same examiner who failed me in my 2nd attempt. I got little worried but I completed track 1st time after last 2 attempts. I passed the exam with 3 minor mistakes this time. Examiner congratulated me.