Funny Jokes For School Bus Drivers

The lighter side of school bussing...

Unless you’re a parent, then you may think of supernatural school bus drivers that can fly and land your child safely in front of school with no incident. Here we have the funniest school bus driver jokes from all over the Internet. We’ve sought out anything funny, popular or viral to share here with you.

This page is devoted to the funny school bus things I have found out there in cyberspace, all winding up here for your enjoyment... In the event I missed something, please feel free to send it to me...

Some Comics...

Only 2 things in this cartoon are NOT ready for school to start...

How about some strange buses...

Hmmm...The kids say he drives fast...

This looks like a cool Bus to drive around in...May not be for those of us with a pound or two to lose...

If this flips, it just keeps going and going...the latest in safety innovations!

Now I told everyone not to sit in the back! See what you guys did!

One of these boys may someday be president...(of the insane asylum)

This bus must belong to Xzibit...MTV, Pimp My Bus!!!

I wonder how first graders are tossed in and out of here...

There are really no words to describe this one...

Who handed out the permissions slips for this field trip???

This bus must be headed for that new SENIOR high down the road...

Someone must not want that bus stop in front of their house...

This would be a great bus to drive!!! Isn't it amazing what you can do with photoshop?

I guess thats a pretty good reason to be let go...She will have more time to ride her broom now!

There is no logic the way dude, you got a brake light out!

This gives new meaning to 'short bus'... Isn't that spoiler just a little off the deep end?

Hmmm...drop the kids off in the am, go fishin, pick up the kids in the pm...ought to work ok...

Looks like Billy don't have to ride the bus no more...but a dodge caravan with whitewalls? What was he thinking!

Now there's creativity...must be a burned out driver who got bored and likes to play with Legos...Scary, huh?

Can you spot the problem with this bus??? Let me assist with an arrow so you can 'lock' in on the problem...

And while we are 'failing' WHAT is this?

This is the bus I wish I went to school in. The Shortcut High bus this time at a car show.

And THIS is the bus I wouldnt want to be seen in! Can't say they dont have a sense of humor in Japan!

Yeah...This is good...Jet Powered, gets them home faster than normal...Just have to make SURE the parachutes open!

If they don't burn off first!

How's this for a school bus stop?

Just have to watch those bends...

This is a great back to school gift for a driver!

Next time you hear a busdriver complain about their bus...Refer them to this...

That's one way to get the word out!

What school bus driver doesn't have a collection of these? This fine collection belongs to Elizabeth Wright, formerly a driver for A.J. Myers in PA. These are items she found IN the bus when she swept it...Her umbrella collection is huge too!

This is different...

I need a ladder to get IN...

Anybody wanna light up the barbeque?

This would be helpful in road rage...

The ultimate in school bus safety...

This is no bull, it's the 'cow bus'!

This would the way to arrive in style! Wonder what the real capacity is?

Can this thing get any lower?

This 1934 Dodge bus was recently found and restored. Great job!

These bus ad's are too much...Way to get attention for sure.

Old Saturday Evening Post from 1962...Check the kids!

I want this!

I've heard of the short bus...but really now...

Elton sings 'Rocketman' on the stereo in here...IF you can hear it!

Now thats how to fill those sanders up...

Another thing I didn't have as a child...

I've heard of mini buses, but this gives new meaning to the word MINI!

My doctor never had this exam table...

Someone wasn't paying attention this morning!

This is the old 4 seater model.

This bus would be fun to drive...

I've heard of 'hanging out' but this is a little odd.

After it hauls the kids, its a home for chickens.

To the chicken, it's a life of wood and screen...

Funny Jokes For Kids

Surfs up!

Buses need to be equipped with drop down oxygen masks...Unreal...

Nuff said...

Great place to recruit new bus drivers...

Hey, I've heard of the batmobile, but the batbus?

Grilled Cheese...served in a old yellow bus..

Interesting, very interesting. The Grilled Cheese bus is in Portland, OR.

83 International with a Fuller 10 speed! This would be fun to drive!

Just a little something on the garage wall...

But it sure hides the tools!

For those who can't get out of 'bus mode' even when we go to the special events...This is for you!

Awesome bus stop bench!

Tons of magnets all over the place!

Or our own A281 at Seneca Valley. Way to go Chrissy! Through the year, Chris put up pictures that her kids made for her, much to the dismay of our head mechanic. Relax, the tape comes off...

Hmmm...I thought he was long gone...

The factual diagram of field trip seating charts.

Cool looking Lego bus, from the front...

And the back.

Bus jokes for kids

Another Lego Creation...

I like this idea a lot! Gotta make one!

Now I have heard of having ones head up there, but geez...

This would be so awesome!

Boulder district Boulderbus 9.

I don't think this is the famed 'yellow submarine'.

I can't wait to see the walking bus go by...

Boomer Schooner...Ok, But I'd drive it...

Totally cool...

Totally strange...

And back to 'cool'

Short bus jokes

Now off to the movies! Just press play!

I really love this school bus...Wish I could take her for a!

This bus would be great for camping and playing in the sand...

Someone likes to play in the snow with their bus... I call it abusing your bus.

More to come...

Funny jokes for school bus drivers appreciation day