Ras G And The Afrikan Space Program Rar Cluj

A lapping of mistaken identity between Athinganoi and Roma

At the beginning of the thirteenth century the first Patriarch of Constantinopl Athanasius , ( ca. 1230 -ca . 1323 ) , wrote a circular to train clergy not to let their people to associate with the Athinganoi , because ” devilish things they teach .” ( 1)

Altbach is J. Donald Monan, S.J. University Professor and director of the Center for International Higher Education in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. He was the 2004–2006 Distinguished Scholar Leader for the New Century Scholars initiative of the Fulbright program, and in 2010 was an Erudite.

Another name given to Roma was Aigyptoi,name who indicated their relationship with Egypt , either because of their origin or the practice of magic, although we were named Egyptians ( gypsies ) by the englishman Andrew Boorde who met in Egypt the Roma blacksmiths and took from them a small guide of Romani , publishing it in his book ” The fyrst book of the introduction of knowledge ” ( 1542) .These early Romani examples are identical phrases in grammar and vocabulary with the language of modern Roma blacksmiths , coppersmith, and silversmiths . This is also the first official confirmation of the Romani language outside India. The fact that the Romani language has not changed in 500 years after its first certification is a strong argument of conservatism of Roma people.

In the sixteenth century the book called Nomocanon threatens to excommunicate those who consults the Aiguptissa . (2 ) The Nomocanon of Saint Sava was accepted in Bulgaria , Romania and Rusia.It was printed in Moscow in the eighteenth century.

A text from the eleventh century on Mount Athos , „Life of Saint George of Athos „, says that in 1050 the Emperor Constantine Monomachus complained of wild animals who were destroying the game in the imperial park of Philopation. He employed “ a race of Samaritan people, descendants of Simeon the Magician, named Adsincani, who were renowned sorcerers and villains”. They left at various places pieces of meat over which they had spoken a spell and which killed the beasts. The emperor was very impressed and asked for the Adsincani to perform their magic in his presence. The Adsincani repeated their magic as requested, but St. George stepped forward and, before the beast in question could devour the meat, made the sign of the cross over it, and the animal survived. “ ( 3)

Another sect and probably quite distinct , but with the same name, is tackled by Mark the Ascetic , which seems to have been a disciple of St. John Chrysostom . His book ” Eis ton Melchizedek” (Against the heretics believing in Melchizedek) speaks about this new heresy of Melchizedek as being an incarnation of the Logos .They were excommunicated by bishops , but they never ceased to preach. They actually seem to be Orthodox . Around the year 600 AD, Timothy, Presbyter of Constantinople , in his book ” The receptione haereticorum ” added at the end of his list of heretics who need to be baptaised again ,the Melchisedechians , „now called Athingani . They live in Phrygia , and not are neither Hebrew nor nations … they keep the Sabbath , but are not circumcised . They will not touch any man if foods are offered , they ask that food be placed on the ground, and then come and take it.They give others food with equal care . ”

So,the name “ Athingani” comes from that habit , do not touch anyone ( Athingani – untouchable in Greek) .In old Romanian language the term “aţigani” has been in use long time.Prin Therefore we can say that they were a sect of Cathars ( the pure ones ) .

In the Byzantine Empire the Jews were called Athinganoi

Elli Kohen in his book, “History of the Byzantine Jews: A Microcosmos in the Thousand Year Empire”,at the page 76, informs us that the Athinganois were in a satanic deal with the Paulician heretics , as written Teophanes in his Chronograph.Those athinganoi helped the first-Patriarch Nekephoras .We see that the Athinganoi followed the Mosaic Law , except practicing circumcision ,but accepting the baptism. Each family of Athinganoi housed a Jew or Jewess, as a mentor who managed their worldly or spiritual affairs.An anonymous follower of Teophanes presents the Athinganoi as Judaizing heretics and instigators of the iconoclasm.Formula used against them in the 9th century was :

“…also anathemize,the successive teachers of Athinganoi in each generation of the past,those of today and those of the future…”

We see from this formula that to the sinner is no longer given the chance of straightening promised by the Orthodox Faith in case of return.This formula is against the teachings of Jesus that says , „The man that cometh to me I will never cast out .”

“…I anathemize those who resort to divination,charms and magic and promise to harm or benefit men therewith…I anathemize those who invoke certain demons,the chief of them being SORON,SOCHAN and ARCHE,and with their aid draw the moon to themselves,asking of it any question they wish.”

In the old religion of Roma,the greek names of Gods don’t existed,also don’t existed any God of Gnostic origin such as those listed above, but the Roma religion was the Hinduism , so the Roma/Gypsies are not the Athinganoi.

Although in the orthodox classical demonology the name of the demon ARCHE does not appear , there is still a corrupt form of it,the ARHICONI demons , who are the most skilled in theology and deceive the theologs and orthodox monks.They are also called rational devils , demons of the heresies.So the class of demons called ARHICONI in Orthodoxy has its origin here , from the principal deity of the Athinganoi heresy .The Athinganoi called their deity ARCHE,and the romanin orthodox christians corrupted this name in ARHICONI,adapting it from Greek in Romanian language.

“…I anathemize those under pretense of purity preach misanthropy,considering all outside their faith defiled,and therefore do not permit themselves to approach nor to be approached by any of those,nor to give or to take anything by the hand of one of them.If by accident anything like that should occur,they immediately hurry away for their purifications and baths,as having been defiled and rendered impure…”

Perhaps the only article of this anathematism which may be fit for a practicing Hindu is this.My Roma ancestors were Hindu practitioners and probably many of them respected the habit of not touching certain things or food considered unclean in Manu’s Law.Although here too is a small probability that this anathematism to be the cause of identification of Roma as Athinganoi.The Roma are hailing from the untouchables of India, so it’s impossible for them to be rasists.The only criterion of the wrong identification as Athinganoi was probably that the first Roma were practicing Hindu religion and rituals for bringing happiness,wich are practices of the orthodox Hinduism.But in that old society the prayers of Roma were misunderstood as Satanism.In Roma religion the evil principle is called Beng, a non-Aryan deity of the Dravidian pantheon.The protective Romani spells are always against Beng.In the Romani language don’t existed and never was borrowed the hebrew name Satan( demon), because the Romani religion was centered only on Beng, being an Aryan religion.The Dravidians are not Aryans, so their religion was not the Hinduism .Their God is Peng/Penka.The Aryans led wars of extermination against the Dravidian religion.The supreme gypsy deity is DEVEL,wich is an Aryan divinity.The DEVA is a common name in India for any divinity.

The Sing-Bonga deity (Sun God) and his wife Chandu Bonga,are the supreme deities in the Munda pantheon .In the work of Bhadriraj Krishnamurti (The Dravidian languages),we read that PEN means „deity” in South Dravidian I, but in South Dravidian II,it means „Demon” .This is explained by the author Bhadriraj as „probably because of the aryanisation of South India”.

The list of the Dravidian deities in which the name of Beng (in Romani) is present as it is borrowed from Dravidian languages:

The word Bonga in the language of Gonda / Khond means deity, but there are many Bongas:

Budhal Pen -the big old God

Kodo Pen -?

Bangaram -the ram

Loha Pen -the God of War/Iron-God

Pangara -a Goddess

Sing Bonga -the supreme river Bonga/Sun-God

Bella Penu -the Sun-God

Jatra Kudi Penka -the protector of the village

Lahi Penka -the protector of crops

Chatos Penka -the protector of diseases

Bharia Penka -the protector of epidemies

Barjari Penka -accidental deaths

Suka Penka -destroys the crops

Chuda Pen -the idol of iron bangle


In the honor of this deity, even during the English colonial domination, human sacrifices were made.The victim, called Meriah was fattened well (often the Khonds stole the victims), then put on instrument and was cut still alive, each participant taking home a piece of flesh of the victim’s body to wet the field with it, for a good harvest .The participants at this bloody ceremony use to say „We have no guilt for the crime because the victim was paid” .Indeed, the victims were actually paid. They seldom sacrificed Khonds, though in hard times the Khonds were obliged to sell their children and they could then be purchased as Meriahs. Persons of any race, age or sex were acceptable if purchased. Many were bought and kept and well treated. Meriah women were encouraged to become mothers”,so that their next offsprings will become the following victim Meriah.(Wikipedia).

In the Mayurbhanj district the Santali witches often leave their men home at midnight in order to join together in a forest.Completely naked, they spend the rest of the night dancing and singing with Bonga (spirits of the gods).

So ,the sense of “Demon” of the word Benga, is taken with this meaning after the aryanization of South India, a region which was of language and religion Dravida.Our ancestors being Hindus,they know very well the Hindu Aryan deities and the Dravidian deities alike.As all the Aryans (orthodox Hindus),the Roma ancestors borrowed the word Beng with this meaning, probably because the Dravidian population converted to Arya religion (the classic Hinduism) and therefore the ancestral deities of Dravidian religion were perceived as demons.The same thing happened in Christianity,the ancient deities of various people became demons after conversion.

Elli Kohen tells us that the motto of the Athinagnoi,wich their later became Novatians and then Sabbatieni was : ” Do not touch me because I am pure.”

The Cheirokritikon Treaty of the Patriarch Nekiphorus tells us that the seeing of an Athinganoi in dream means that demons are at hand.

But the most painful document that demonstrates the hierarchical ortodox inhumanity , is dated in 1648 called the Book of Paisie Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine , which allowed Vaarlam , the abbot of the monastery Caldarusani to own some gypsies who were given to the monastery by a nun called Teodora . The Patriarch allows Varlaam to own the Gypsies and and nobody disturb him, and who wants to spoil the will of that nun will be cursed and damned by the 318 Fathers of Nicaea Constantinopol.Further, the patriarch said that who will try to take that slaves will be damned. The text example is very explicit about gypsies :

” …But if the will of that nun will be this way,as she wished at her death , as is written above, those people about it is written above, (will remain)under that bound and that curse . ”

The text is talking quite subtle indeed , that the Gypsies too, are under the curse of the 318 Holy Fathers from Nicaea. We know that in 325 at Nicaea was the first ecumenical council were was debated and fought with the heresy of Arius , who said that Jesus is not consubstantial with The Father.The decision ends with a curse(anathema) against those who would dare to spoil the truth of faith revealed at that council.

“Proclet” in old Romanian language means a man cursed and excommunicated .

The anathema is the worst punishment that can be given by the Church. It is given to those who despise and attack the dogmatic truths , moral and religious and thereby lead the people getting lost and to the destruction of the ignorant souls , becoming dangerous for the religious society . Anathema comprises curse and malediction and giving the damned unto Satan whose mission he fulfills and become spiritually dead and God’s enemy .What is the death penalty in state laws , that is the anathema in the laws of the Church.

Anathema is separation from God and joining with Satan and demonic heritage . At the fourth holy synod , to anathema speaks so : no Christian faithful man , is not allowed to say anathema , but only to heretics and monks who reject the monkhood and do not want to come back ; and , if they come to repentance , receives them and embrace them.

To nobody amongst Christians and clergy , is not permitted to use the anathema , even in jest , because doing this is a great sin ( Matt. 5 , 21-26 ) ; Only theHoly Synod may use this anathema , after exhausting all means of straightening and the sinner was judged guilty and condemned public for offenses against the truths of God and His Church(Lev. 26,14-46; Deut. 28,15-58; Ps. 110, 1-31; Canons: I ec. 1; VII, 7; IV ec. 2; 7, 15, 27; VI ec. 23 and Gangra 1, 20; Laod .29, 30, 35; Cart. 81, Io9, llo, 111, 112,113,114,115,116; Sf. Sofia 3; Saint Basil of Caesarea 88).

How then, an Orthodox Patriarch could invoke a curse against a people who had no idea of Christological disputes?We know that such a curse is used only against great heretics wich contest the divinity of Jesus.

The text is found in Romanian Academy doc No. XXI / 272, reinforced with Greek signature of the Patriarch.I quoted it from the book of Gheorghe Potra,the academician,book called ” Contributions to the history of Gypsies in Romania „(Contributiuni la istoricul tiganilor din Romania) , page 228.

Somehow,the Gypsies came under an anathema so heavy that no one would be able to release them by the fear of the curse(anathema in the name of 325 Holly Fathers,is the most feared in Orthodoxy) cast by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and Palestine . In 1645 ,in the Three Hierarchs Church in the Iasi city, was anointed this Paisius as Patriarch of Jerusalem.So, after three years after he was anointed ,he puts a curse reserved only to major heretics who know very well the orthodox doctrine.

We know about the Romani language that is sister with the Aryan Indian languages ​​.These languages were formed after the year 900 A.D. So, our ancestors were still in India when these athinganoi gave headaches to the Christian bishops .Probable that was applied to our ancestors the same name because they were not Christians, and according to the rules of Hindu castes they respected the law according to which is not allowed to physically touch a man who is not Indian(wich is not equally in rank or caste).

Another cause of confusion made ​​between Athingani and Roma was that the Athinganois were perceived as wizards and Roma religion was not the Christianity (they were Hindus ) and among Roma is still existing the witch class ( drabarni ) .

Marcel Mauss observes: ‘All unsettled tribes who live among a settled population are considered as sorcerers. This is still in our time the case with the Gypsies, and also of many wandering castes in India’.

Studying the Cathar and Athinganoi doctrine we see that the Roma religion have no trace of Christian mysticism .The gypsies accepted the religion of majority, especially in the Orthodox monasteries where they were slaves .

In the modern times , the Roms have been associated with demons , being confused with the image of „Arap „(black,arab,negro) of Early Christian Egiptean demonology.This phenomenon can be seen in the next ” apophthegm ” from Mount Athos :

” A hermit told me about the actions of evil spirits :

Once, when he was in his hermitage , and prayed , suddenly a light shone in his face. He did not give attention to it and continued to pray more intensely . When two demons appeared as gypsies playing and hitting each other. It happened so quickly that the hermit could not control himself but burst into laughter . „(5 )

Now let ‘s see how the ARAP from” Sayings of the Desert Fathers “(Apophthegmata Patrum ) is actually the original name for the Demon , because Satan is Black and Arap means ” black:

39 )” A hermit was virgin and did not know any woman at all and what is the fornication and he said that a man’s cock is for pee , as is at the barrel the tap. And seeing with his eyes he saw the devil as some Araps around him , starting his passion . So,he wanted an woman but not knowing what wishes from ignorance . In one day the Satan showed him a man doing the devil ‘s sin with a woman and seeing God the great wickedness of Satan , protected the monk , guided him to go to an old holly man.That old man after teaching him how to fight against demons, freed him . And turning back,the monk, fought with Satan by praying to God and God increased his wisdom so much that he received the Holly Spirit. His divine gift was the knowledge where the dead people go,in the Hell or in the Heaven.”

In Dex(The dictionary of the Romanian language),we see that “Arap” means ” black man,African ” .The word appears in modern Greek as ARAPIS.The Apophthegmata Patrum and many other Christian writings used seldom for comparison the word Arap for Demon .

In the early Christians texts , Satan appears as a Black Ethiopian .For example, in the Life of Simeon the Holy Fool , a prominent citizen saw himself in a dream playing dice with a black Ethiopian symbolizing the Death.We can therefore, to speak of a fear inspired by the “Ethiopian” demons.

So in the collective subconscious of the Middle Ages , every man with black skin was confounded to Satan and his religion was considered witchcraft.

Indeed,the Gospel of John says “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not mastered it.”(Gospel of John 1,5) Probably the failure of mystical understanding of this superb passage planted in the minds of Christian white people the believing that the people with black skin are somehow related to demons .

Perhaps this is related specifically to the collective subconscious for the area of influence of Christianity,wich is the religion of Light symbolized by the color white, religion that enters in conflict with the evil spirits.These evil spirits in the Christian classical texts are described as being black. Although the Christians have forgotten that in this case the Apostle Paul says, ” and Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” .

In the Life of St. Moses the Black ( Apophthegmata Patrum) we find written the next apophthegm:

” It was said of Abba Moses , that made ​​him a clergyman, and they put the stole . Then the archbishop said :

– Behold , thou art made entirely white, Abba Moses !

– Does outward – ( Kyrie Pope literally ” Mr. Pope ” ) or on the inside ?

The Archbishop , willing to try him, said to the clergy : when Abba Moses shall enter into the altar , expel him and chase him, to hear what he says . The old man came in , and they said :

-Get out,GYPSY(literally “Ethiopian”. I preferred to emphasize a local appellation to show the offensive abruptness of addressing .,).(this is the note of the Romanian translator)

He go out and saying : well they did , grimy nigga ! Why are you staying with the people , you ‘re not human? ”

We see that to the saint Moise the Arap did not like the malicious remark of the Pope ” you became totally white ” , because replied as ” Does outward or on the inside ” , trying to remind to the little bit racist Pope that Jesus calls us to perfecting the inner man , to clean the glass from within wich is our soul.We see that Abba Moses comes out humbling himself with the concept of his time about the black people „well they did , grimy nigga ! Why are you staying with humans , you ‘re not human? ”

This Saint was tested also in another way. When he was still among the new beginners, once , at the meeting of brothers in the monastery , the parents wanted to tempt his humility and defamed him , saying : „Why the Arap walks among us ? ” He heard it ,but was silent. The monks when they were leaving, they asked him , saying to him : ” Father Moses , did not you upset when you have defamed by the parents? ” He answered them with words of the psalmist : “I was angry , but I don’t spoke.”

Without pretending to compare myself with Moses the Black in color, because i am convinced that he being a Ethiopian, was darker than me , i remember that when i was at the monastery , because I wanted to be a monk , there came a new priest , Father Neophyte . He probable noticed my black presence in monastery.After few days,the father abbot ordered me to go and ask one religious thing from parent Neofit.Following the monastic habit , when you go to someone ‘s cell must knock on the door saying ” Bless me Father „. I did so, and father Neophyte probably knowing my voice replied from behind the door ” Who is? You are Friday ? ” . I immediately understood that he called me with the name of the tribal character of the novel Robinson Crusoe, and i answered ” No,Father i am even Robinson Crusoe himself by Daniel Defoe ” .When the father opened the door ,he was amazed and embarrassed and we are friends since then.

Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite said some bad things about gypsies:

“The charming with things and holy book is the fourth kind of witchcraft and is called „Ghitia”. The wizards mix their spells with prayers, psalms and other sacred words, addressed to Our Lady and to saints that can easily deceive the weak in faith. This kind of magic is used by evil women especially, old ladies and gypsy, to deceive the weak-minded.

So where are you now, Christians who shamelessly are doing spells and charms ? Where you are, who you have disease , or other need , you run the Jews and the Gypsies, Egyptians and Turks, those of other beliefs and ask for them to recite spells for you and give you amulets?”

Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite,”About witchcraft”

„Therefore , let Christ don’t be grieved because of you and say such things and do not show and you ungrateful to such a perfect benefactor , leave , please, my brothers , renounce to go to the wizards and witches and gypsies , and if you happen to be sick, run to Christ … ”

Modern orthodox trends demonizing the Roms

I am sorrowful to say this,but the well-known monk Ilie Cleopas, the famous Father was a racist ! A man , a holly man like him, said something very wrong about us..that we the Roms we are not humans.The next passage is from ” The Father Cleopas is speaking to us ” (vol . 13) talking about giving alms to gypsies :

“But i reproach the beggar if comes the second time: ” Get out of here , that I gave you already „. The gypsies are coming.And i say to them: ” Say , well, as I say ,” As the willow is not a tree , so the gypsy is not human ! „.And if he(the gypsy) repeats,i give him alms .I give them a little.”

So,Father Cleopas primarily puts a poor gypsy to say a ” Creed ” equivalent to a Symbol of Faith , and compare a man built in the image of God with a tree , or actually forcing him by the obvious poverty ( otherwise how to humiliate him ?) to recognize that the GYPSY IS NOT A HUMAN BEEING!

Father Nicholas Steindhart

In „Journal of Happiness”

Let’s see how father Steinhardt describes the Gypsies, in the second edition of the „Journal of Happiness” (Dacia Publishing House, 1992, page 205): „The Gypsies. Racism is a dementia, but – how to say? – the denial of special breeds, each with its characteristics, is folly. They are rather quarrelsome, their life’s purpose is the quarrel; without the noise and fuss they asphyxiate and die; atheists, but have an unsurpassed gift to defile all; liars,we are lying all but we idealize the real, to them is different, as antimatter. And they find necessary to strengthen their vows with heavy curses: “May I become blind, may my mother die, may I be crazy.” (…) And you can not make them friendly . No matter how nice you are talking to them, any humiliation, any hypocrisy: both unnecessary. Lazy,they hate anyone who requires a effort from them, a stubborn lazy, violent instinct of preservation. And they can not drink in pubs, just outside on the street, lined with bottles and surrounded by their kids; a gypsyness, an exhibitionism,a nostalgy of carnival; and a yearning of reproach, crying, the skirts upside. Uncleanness. Sordid demon, devil poltroon, the jumping devil. To them the romanian poet Coşbuc found so suitable names and they make from the ass a buggle”.

My comment:

This means that the Gypsies are speaking on the anus, in other words our language is defilled.If after the prison a „Homo Religiosus” as Father Steindhart who converted to Christianity in prison could write such a shamefull book, forgetting the slavery for centuries in the Church, exploitation of Roms , forced labor, what to say about ordinary people?

We see that since Christian antiquity to the present, as some people suffering from racism to a size which refers to the collective subconscious sphere, they identified those blacks with Satan, forgetting that in the Bible ,God Himself divides people in three colors. After the book of Moses, Noah’s sons (Shem, Ham and Japheth) was born when he was 500 years old. They named three nations.Thus, from Ham come the Hamites (black Africans), of Shem, Semites (Semitic peoples) and Japheth, Japhetites.

The word „HAM” in Hebrew means „sunburnt” .Curiously enough, in Romani „Kham” means the Sun (in Sanskrit gham-sunshine).

In the Romani oral culture , there is no form of heretical theology similar to athinganoi from antiquity ( in Phrygiain the 9th century there were athinganoi led by Theodotus the banker ) .Contrary, we see indeed that in old indian prayers,the Roma mixed the name of the Virgin Mary.The name of Hindu deities,the Roms have dressed in Christian concepts , as they did early Christians who dressed Christian biblical ideeas in pagan Greek philosophy .Thus , Deva , God became the Christian God. The Trishul – trident of Shiva became the Cross of Jesus , and Rishi – ascetic , visionary, became the Christian priest or Rashai .

Between Dom / Rom and Athingani / Gypsy

About the traditional name “Rom”,a work stands testimony,namely of Kogalniceanu’s ” Esquisse sur l’ histoire , les mœurs et la langue des cigains , sous le nom en France connus of Bohémiens , Suivez d’un Reports septum cents cigains mots ” appears to page 29 in the original edition as ROM,with the meaning of Male and Female -ROMNI.

Charles G. Leland in ” English Gipsies and Their Language” [ 1874 ] said many times that their language is called Romani.

If Kogalniceanu certified that our name is Rom , and Leland in his works,too, then it means that the name is not taken in Europe from Byzantium ( ancient Byzantines called themselves Romei) nor from the Romanian nation(the offsprings of ancient Dacs).The name Rom is of Sanskrit origin and refers to the Dom hindu caste .

A brief introduction to Hindi language phonology and Romani language

In India the sound D is pronounced as R many times.For instance : PahaD/PahaR – mountain , Doi – wooden spoon in Hindi , Roi – spoon in Romani.From the Hindu Puranas we know that there was a mysterious caste called ROMAKA in North India.About this caste the Indian history is silent.But the socio -political reality of India described in the book Manu ‘s laws talks about people who are also called Dom, as a disadvantaged class of people.They were not not allowed to enter into the temples, to make ritual ablutions in the sacred River Gange.From this caste originated the Roms of Europe.I have found that in Sanskrit and Hindi the word RAMNI means a extremely beautiful woman(Allied Chambers transliterated Hindi – Hindi – English dictionary Henk W. Wagenaar , SS Parikh , DF Plukker , R . Veldhuijzen van Zanten , page 535 ).

Indians as European Roms do, apply suffix ” NI ” to masculine nouns for forming the feminine, profession or caste ( in India are four main castes : Brahman , Khastrya , Vaishya and Shudra , and thousands of castes from illegal marriages between main castes ) :


Hindi Romani

Dom-a man of Dom caste/Domni-wife Rom/Romni

Dom-pan:the gypsyness Rom-ipen

Chor-thief/chorni-his wife Chor-thief/chorni

Rishi-sage/Rishni-his wife Rashai-priest/Rashani-the wife of the priest


Sap-snake/Sapni:she-snake Sap-snake/Sapni:she-snake


In ” Gipsy Life being an account of our Gipsies and Their Children” by George Smith,we find that the Indian Doms call their community ” Domnipana ” ,identical to the same concept , ie ” Romanipen ” of the European gypsies. He adds that Dom means a Dom caste man , and a woman from the same caste is called Domni, being the same word with Romni :

“Finally, the ordinary Dom calls himself a Dom, his wife a Domni, and the being a Dom, or the collective Gipsydom, Domnipana. D in Hindustani is found as r in English Gipsy speech—e.g., doi, a wooden spoon, is known in Europe as roi. Now in common Romany we have, even in London:—

Rom A Gipsy.

Romni A Gipsy wife.

Romnipen Gipsydom.”

The above quote is taken entirely from the writings of George Smith (1880 edited and published by Haughton Co).So , dear readers , you see that the name Rom is not „stolen ” from the Romanian language ( and not adopted at the first Congress of Roms in the 70s ) , but is a word that designates the ancient Indian caste Dom / Rom.

So,if we had taken from the Romanians the ethnonym Rom , to the Gypsy woman we would say , as all Romanians say “romanca” to “woman of Romanian race”, but we form the word female after the model currently in use in India : Dom Domni / Rom Romni.

Then the word “romanca” does not mean wife,(as in the gypsy language Romni-wife), but the ethnic Romanian woman .

My next book will prove that Romani is a language formed in the early 10th century AD and is the language of Neo-Aryan sister languages ​​of India (Hindi, Punjabi, Rajasthani, etc), so we, the Roma in Europe can not be Christian heretics Athinganoi from the christian antiquity.In the century 3 AD,the Prakrit languages ​​were spoken in India (Apabramsha, Shaurasheni, Magadha) so if Roma had come in 3rd century or after the 3rd century they would have spoken one of the Prakrit languages ​​.But the Romani language is identical in its structure with the Neo-Indian languages ​​formed after the 10th century A.D. In conclusion, the Christian peoples confused us with the Araps (see for example Paterikon Egyptian),then with the Athinganois.With the Araps we were confused because the Roma being hindu people are blacks and with Athinganois because Roma have practiced another religion than the Christianity.In the old days any religion other than Christianity was considered Witchcraft.We know that Christian priestly elite mistaken Athinganois with the Roms because those hindu Roms/Doms practiced the magic.In those times were not specialists in history of religions. Religion was imposed by the majority.And the majority of Europe was Christians, and the Roma were Hindu, the Christian bishops had nothing to compare the Roms than with the Athinganoii that caused major problems to christians.So,the romanian Gypsy slaves in monasteries were not descendants of the first Roma today but the heretical sect Athinganoi.Of course, the Roms were subsequently taken into slavery as Athingani ,because were named by confusion due to their language incomprehensible and the mysterious origin.

The Roms are not Hebrew, our Romani language does not even have a bit of Yidish in it, we have not a Kabbalistic or Talmudic science.We know already that the Athinganois were a Jewish sect in the Byzantine Empire.

Who is to blame for sowing confusion?

Because there are written testimonies from Romanian Academy that the sect of the Athingani were slaves in the Romanian Orthodox Church since 1400, we can say that those responsible for the confusion are the theologian.The anthropology as a discipline was founded in the modern era, and India was a very distant mythological realm, in those times to distinguish between pagan and heretical was very smooth and don’t existed, so,when the Roms came from India,they were categorized and subsequently mistaken with the Athinganois,because in the European culture there was no cultural criterion that be similar to understand the language and culture of the Roms.If you were heretical,then you were classified as a witch and how in the Romani society existed and still exist witches, the “Drabarni” shaman females knowledgeable scientists of the Drabha sacred grass, then the priests classified the Roms as witches-ie Athinganis ,who use to cast spells on the meat given to animals to make the animals obedients.Indded,the Romani magic is full of Hindu spirits of water, air, earth and of animals.The Roms never hid to recognize that the Romniya women Drabarniya are their religious leaders. Today a Drabarni would be equivalent to a naturopathic physician.

If the first Roma were of the Athingani religion, then our oral magic would be talking about Melchizedek and his incarnation as Logos. Important to notice,if the Roms were the Athinganoi, they should be respected the Sabbath, as did the eretics Athinganoi.The genuine Orthodox Christians respect the Sunday.But these theological ideas involve a good knowledge of the Bible and in our language to “Holly Book” is said “Shasterno Lil”,(not Bible or Torah), just like in India (Shastra) .The old Romani theology is centered on the Indian pantheon deities: Goddess Kali, Durga, Sarasvati, Shiva, Brahma.We have not in our oral culture theological ideas so high, as that of the identity of Melchizedek with the Christian Logos.These ideas require a good knowledge of apologetic theology of 3 A.D. The Roms for three hundred years, kept religious traditions, icons, Hindu legends and prayers, in wich the Hindu deities are invoked in the name of Shiva and his wife Durga Devi. Then, it looks as if we were of the Athinganoi cult, then we have kept stubbornly the supposed heretical Athinganoi religion.But not gentlemens, the religion of Roms was the Shivaite Hinduism.

Slowly, with fewer of the Drabardimos science ( Roma magic that is transmitted only in certain families and conditions ) , there was nobody to pass on knowledge about India and Hindu culture.The slave Roms from monasteries were christianized naturally or forced forgetting their Hindu religion and to the free Roms from the Austro-Hungarian kingdom was imposed by Empress Maria Theresa to not speak the Romani language ,otherwise their tongues will be cut.But,in spite of this cruel law,the Roms continued to speak their Romani language, but the magic science of “Romni Drabarni” women was diminished now evolving into a authentic masquerade .

The Exodus from India

The Roms born in the European countries immediately after the exodus knew that they are hindus , but did not know what it looks like the India from the stories of their grandparents. They only knew that their language “India” means ” the end of the world ” .

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Roma have left India because of strict classification of Hindu society in pure and impure people , ie people because good deeds in past lives have acquired the status of the highest earthly life stage ie Brahmin.In descending order comes Kshatria , Vaishya and Shudra .The Shudras are the impure ones.From this category were part the ancestors of Roms.The impurity of our ancestors was not acquired by a religious treatise , but because this was the way imposed by the Brahmin priests .

In the Vedas it is written clearly that even Brahman, the Supreme God took flesh in the form of Shudra man (the last caste), the impure.Moreover, to be justified the existence of dividing castes,the Hindu theology says that God created the Brahmin priest from His divine head ,the Kshatrya from His arms,the Vaishy from His abdomen, and from His feet He created the Shudra .We are talking now about the mystical body of the primordial man deified(as in Kabbala, the Adam Kadmon), and if Shudra was made from God’s feet, the feet of Divinity are impure? For thus are declared the Indian Doms, impure, unworthy to enter Hindu temples, unworthy to do ritual ablution in Gange.See how the wrong interpretation of a religious text is the source of social injustice that lasts in India for at least 2500 years, and that caused the exodus of my Roms/Doms ancestors.Curiously,our legends of origin say that only a part of the Roma left India, some remained in India. This is the TRUTH, proven with the history of India.Those Roms who remained in India are our brothers,the indian Doms.

Hitler and the Arianism

It is well known that Hitler wanted to form a new religion and mythology that he dreamed to ” restore ” it to the German people , the people whom he wanted to be the successor of the Hindu Aryans.In Europe was fashionable idea of Indo- Europeanism , that idea was born due to the similarities between Latin , Greek and Sanskrit .But Hitler wanted more.He wanted to construct a false identity , to assume the identity of ARYA – the speaking Hindu noble.For this purpose he took the Svastikam,the Hindu symbol , and and he urged scientists to go to India to find evidences that they , the Germans are descendants of Indian nobles ARYA .

The Aryan

In India ,the Aryan is the man who breaks cultural and religious barriers, adopting a life of mystic wanderrer, after the definition given by the great hindu Saint Aurobindo .

The ARYA person is a being whose ancestors practiced the Vedic religion.Now you judge yourself: there are traces of Vedas in the German literature ? Or is there a little bit of indian grammar in the German language? No! Indeed,the European languages ​​are Indo-European languages ​​but only in India, descended from the old Sanskrito-Prakrit exist the ARYA languages, the INDO-ARYAN.The other languages are Indo-European.

Why do I say that there is no trace of indian grammar in the European languages? Because we know that the great linguist Max Muller said and proven that the vocabulary of a language can change,but the grammar of it can not be changed.

The grammar of the Romani language has a grammar hundred percent Neo-Arian,being born after the 10th century A.D.This is MY discovery after working for over 25 years in the comparison of modern and ancient Indian languages.

When Hitler’s scientists have found that the only people in Europe who deserves the title of Aryans are the Roms, he realized that it would hinder the plans for his new idea, the forced unnatural arianization of german people.How to say that the blond Germans are Aryans when Roma in Germany are black, and they are the only Aryans living in Germany? Then decided (just my assumption) to exterminate the Jews and Gypsies together.

One of these ​ Aryan languages is also the Romani language .The Romani language has a hundred percent vocabulary and grammatical structure like the Aryan languages ​​spoken identical today in India, languages ​​which were formed after 1000 A.D.This is my discovery, contrary to what say the „experts” in Romani,”linguists” non-speakers of a pure Romani.Like a proove for testing the Arianism of the Romani language, i bring into focus the Romani word “RAI”-noble, gentleman,word wich is is pronounced as in India with the same meaning, “RAI”, being a corruption of the Sanskrit term ARYA-noble.

Modern confusion based on thorough ignorance of ancient Indian languages

The modern specialists in modern linguistics believe that the Roms were formed as people in Anatolia , or whatever somewhere outside India , on the basis that Romani language has not the grammar of the indian languages.But those scientists don’t studied enough the grammar of the Hindi languages. Comparing the ancient Indian languages ​​with the Romani language , the Romani language is seen as a language keeping the Hindu grammar identical , and so the conclusion would be that the Romani language was formed INSIDE India , so the “Romane shiave”(Gypsy people) are genuine Indian people .

The Roms don’t came as slaves in Romania

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Because we,the Roms were and are good craftsmen , our ancestors chosed to go to work in foreign countries , a phenomenon that is in vogue even today.Many Romanians go to work in other countries.The Ottoman old books are recording that Roma were not slaves in the empire Ottoman , but craftsmen and witches.The Roms have reached high positions in the Ottoman court , due to their good knowledge of magic.The slavery of the Roms in Romania was a characteristic phenomenon unique in the history of Christian Universal Church.

The Roms took part in the construction of modern Romanian state,because being slaves the HARD WORK was their DUTY.The Roms made ​​bricks , the Rom blacksmiths helped agriculture making horseshoes , hoes , ploughs .But they have made also ​​the weapons .With those weapons the ancestors of Romanians fought against the Turks and Tatars.Many Roms fought in the war against Hitler.The Gypsy Goldsmiths decorated the Romanian girls with their jewelry , our Fiddlers have mourned at the funerals of Romanians and were happy to sing at the weddings of Romanians.WE,THE GYPSIES, ARE A PART OF THE ROMANIAN CULTURE.

Linguistic confusions

The Indian name Rom gave rise to a lot of feminine adjectives formed with the suffix „NI ” or masculine „NO ” :

Rom + ani chib : Gypsy language Rom+ ano khar : Gypsy house

Rom + ani angrusti :a gypsy ring Rom+ ano jiukel:a gypsy dog

Sastri – iron ; Sastr + ano:made of iron

Rup – silver ; Rup + ano : made from Silver

It is not correct to say “the Romanes language ” , as the suffix -ANES form adverbs :

Rom + anes ” Jeanes Romanes ? ” – You know the Gypsy language

” Des duma Romanes ? ” – You talk the Gypsy language?

The correct form is „Romani Shib /Chib/Jibh” –Romani language.

Another ethnonym containing the word “Rom” is ” Romarau- man” –I marry.In the Romanian language there is no verb to have the word ” roman” or its derivatives in the sense of ” marry „. In Sanskrit language the verb ” ramate ” means to enjoy sexual relations ,in old Prakrit is “Ram” ,” Ramana”- husband or married man ,and in modern India the word is present as “Run”- husband.

When the Roms borrow words from the Romanian language , the Romani language grammar structure dictates to add the suffix -ime if participle (bored-“plictisit” in Romanian,became “plictisime” in Romani) , and for loaned adjectives and nouns the Roms add the suffix ” o ” : train becomes ” treno ” ,market(“piata” in Romanian) becomes “piato” in Romani, etc …

The Plural is formed in Romani by borrowing words by taking on totally the original word in some cases with the suffix ” YA ” is, in some cases with the plural suffix from Romanian language (“blocuri- apartment houses” is in Romani ” blocurya ” ) . So if Roma would have borrowed the ethnonym ” Rom ” from the Romanian language , then we would have said ” Romanya „(gypsies) but the plural of Rom is Roma ( Roma men ) and for female is Romniya – Gypsy women.The plural suffixes are identical in form with Hindi language.Moreover we call a native Romanian “ Vlaho “, attesting the fact that when we came here the ethnonym “Valah/Vlah” was in use.

How could be enslaved an entire nation against the teachings of Jesus ?

The Gospel says that in Jesus don’t exist Jew, Scythian or slave, but we all are ONE in Jesus.This means that the slavery is abolished in the Christian Orthodox Church.We know that the Athingani were not the Roms, but a judeo-christian cult .Then how, some supposed enlightened minds , bishops and monks allowed to accept the slavery of an entire social layer , because i demonstrated that the Athinganoi were not a nation originated from a certain geographical space , but their name came from their religion,with specific Gnostic practices.So every person , regardless of nationality if embraced their religion was called an Athingani .

On what basis could be taken in slavery even some heretics , knowing that the Church Canons said that any repentant heretic can be again considered a true christian, and if not repent then anathematized , and the true Christian should not have to deal with a heretic.The only legislation under which the Athinganoi could be taken into slavery was Teophanes ‘s “Chronographia” with his anathema( the 9th century):

“…also we anathemize,the successive teachers of Athinganoi in each generation of the past,those of today and those of the future…”

So they don’t gave them the opportunity to repent.Don’t forget the words „in every generation „, meaning that the curse is against the children of these Athinganoi heretics forever.This anathema is unusual and illegal in Orthodox practice , as we condemn the sin but not the sinner.The Christian religion tries to help the sinner to repent.

The Roma people was not of the Athinganoi religion , because if it was it would be seen best in our religion.But we , after 500 years of exodus from India , still call God by the name Aryan ” Devla ” Satan Dravidian name ” Beng ” ( Dravidians are Indian citizens non-Aryans , they worshiped the Beng , which is their God .We see here a battle between Aryans and the Dravidians gods as biblical battle between Yahweh and the Babylonian goddess Asherah . ) Again, if we had been of Athigani religion , then we’ve be called God with Greek names of Gnostic theology such as the names listed in anathema of Teophanes : Soron , Sochań and Arche .

The Roms can not be called anymore Atigani because most of them are Christians, and the byzantine athingani were wizards.The Roms have always been a people with their own language, their own Hindu religion, so having a well defined membership in history of India .The Atiganis were not a nation but a confession, had no common language,they came from from all ethnicities of the Byzantine Empire, so any ethnic group or person may choose to be of Athingani religion.We regret that so far, nobody of our representatives from Romani/Roms NGOs wasn’t capable to present the Romani old religion with the Arian divine names,in order that anyone to be able to distinguish between the heretical religion Athigani,and the Vedic religion of ancestors of the Roms .With this occasion, i correct the misidentification of the first slaves Athingani in 1385, when Dan I, ruler of Romania, wrote a document that gives to Monastery Tismana certain lands. Were added 40 houses of Athinganoi(40 de salase tiganesti,in Romanian language).These 40 Athinganoi dwellings were not my ancestors, but Judaizing heretics, (the Athiganois) that could be taken slaves because existed the legislation of Teophanes (Cronographia) according to which all the generations of Athinganoi are anathematized forever.

The great importance that is given in area of Byzantine Christian religion, to the Arhiconi demons can be explained ,only in the light of information provided by Elli Kohen,.I suppose that the gods of Athinganoi were in high esteem because the Athinganois had access to the imperial purple in Byzantium .

Elli Cohen tells us in, „History of the Byzantine Jews: A Microcosm in the Thousand Year Empire”, that each believer of religion Athingani was harbored a Jew in his house ,that Jew managed the affairs of the house.We understand that the Athinganoi became extremely unbearable for Orthodoxy, so unbearable that suddenly we see them enslaved in Byzantine Orthodox monasteries in Romania.The Byzantine Empire found that this was the best solution.The Arche Gods of Athinganois had become very familiar in the Byzantine Empire and endangered the Christianity.That the Arche deities are well known we understand from the anathema of Teophanes, and then the only solution was the destruction of that religion.It is very likely that the Arche deity become respected in Byzantium, and then appeared the anathemas which sanctioned invoking Arhiconi gods.

There can not be identified in the Bible the classical source of the demons Arhicons, only in the light of the Gnosticism of the Athinganois cult.The principal source is the anathema cited above ( wich is extremely anti – Christian ) and the secondary source is the appearance of the demon „Tsigan( Gypsy)” in Greek monastic tradition .

How old is the fighting against the Arche Gnostic Goddess ?

Researching the history of Christianity , we see that the demon Arche was fought since the 2nd century AD, although we can not be sure how big was the spreading of the Gnostic religion.The Valentinian Gnosticism affirmed that they kept the secret teachings of Jesus.Very interesting is the fighting the Saint Irenaeus of Lyon against the Valentinians , in his book „Against heresies ” in chapter I.He says that the Valentinians are followers of Simon Magus ! Remember about Emperror Constantine Monomachus who hired magicians ” adsigani ” descendants of Simon Magus ! The text is called “The life of Saint George” and was written in 1050 , so 1000 years after Saint Irenaeus .

Saint Irenaeus informs us that the Valentinians called also Monogenes the deity Arche.Existed also names of Valentinian deities as Zoe , Anthropos , Aletheia .None of these names do not appear in the pantheon of Roms.

The demons have horns, and therefore to Roma slaves have been attached horns of iron in Romania

In Christian iconography demons are represented with horns.This idea has led the slaveholders from Romania to attach horns of iron heads to Roma slaves , especially as they were mistaken as practitioners of the Athinganoi religion.In the Athinganoi religion the main deity was Arche , name entered in Orthodox theology as the name of the demons ARHICONI .

The temptation of Christ. Notice the Satan with Horns.

A proof that to the Roms have been attached horns is the testimony of Kogalniceanu:

Speech in April 1891 in a solemn meeting of the Romanian Academy organized to commemorate the 25th anniversary:

„The law of the country treat the Gypsies, as a thing sold and bought, although is used in derision for individual soul:” I have so many souls Gypsy”; in reality, especially masters who had few Gypsies, treated them worse than the limitations of the law.Even on the streets of the city of Iasi, in my youth ,i saw human beings wearing chains in the hands or feet, even some wearing IRON HORNS on forehead and connected by columns around the neck. Cruel beatings, hunger and smoke condemnation, closing in private prisons, thrown naked in snow or frozen rivers, behold the fate of poor Gypsies! Then contempt for holiness and family bonds. Women taken from husbands, girls abducted from parents, children torn from the bosom of their mothers, scattered and separated from one another, and sold like cattle to the distinguished buyers in the four corners of Romania. No humanity, no religion, no civil law had no care for these unfortunate beings; was a great show, outrageous. Therefore, led of the spirit of the century, the laws of humanity, a number of old and young noblemen began to wash the shame of slavery from their homeland. „(7)

A similar practice,the attachment of iron horns in the slavery of the blacks of U.S.A:

The proof that the Roms were sold as slaves in the Romanian Orthodox Curch is a poster advertising slaves auction in Romania,1852:”Catch a licitation of Gypsies at the Ellias Monastery,compoused by 18 men,10 boys,7 women and 3 girls “

Final conclusion

The first slaves of Romanian monasteries were not the Roma Gypsies, but the Athinganois and considering that each Athinganoi had a Jew master, we can say that the Jews too were slaves in Orthodox monasteries in Romania.

My argument is based on the first historic written example of the Romani language in Egypt in 1542 by Andrew Boorne, he was the one who called us Egyptians, probably because my ancestors tried to hide their Indian origin, or perhaps because the Englishman failed to ask them who they are.In England and Catholic countries the Roms were named correctly as Egyptians (the Gypsies,because firstly the englishman Andrew Boorde called us “egyptians”), but in Byzantium they were mistaken with the Byzantine Judaizing sect Athinganoi, probably because the mentality of time required that any heretic is implicitly Athigan.

According to Andrew Boorde we estimate that the coming of the first Roms in Romania took place sometime after the year 1550, because it was improbable that the medieval scholars before the year 1542 not noticed that the Roms are speaking a language worthy of attention. The first scientist who noticed my ancestors was Andrew Boorde in Egypt, as contrasted with indigenous people.I am honored to remember the name of Andrew Boorde, because the examples of Romani collected by him are part of the dialect that i learned it from my blackmsmits grandparents in the Caransebes city,Romania.These old Romani examples collected by Boorde proove that the Romani language has not changed in the last 500 years from the first record.

I conclude my paper thanking Mother India that allowed me to remember her name in the exodus of her sons,the Rom people .The Roms still pronounce the name of India when they speak the Romani language that we had with us as our only identity card that makes us an Indian diaspora and citizens in exile of the most beautiful of all countries,Mother India.


Written by the Rom Cirpaci Marian Nutu, the blacksmith , the first hindu Rom in the history of Gypsy/Romani Indology.


1- Vat. Gr. 2219, f.120./ Letters and Homilies: Codex Vat. Gr. 2219

2- A. Pavlov, Nomokanon pri bol’ som Trebnikê, Moscow, 1897.

3- P. Peeters, ‘Histoire monastiques géorgiennes’, Analecta Bollandiana, 36-37, 1917-19.

4- http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/goudenhoorn/72karin.html#note21

5- Cap. XXXII: Despre un sfârşit cuvios [Patericul athonit, Ioannikios Kotsonis]

6- Kogalniceanu,please visit my blog:

History of the Byzantine Jews: A Microcosmos in the Thousand Year Empire By Elli Kohen

About demons Arhiconi:

“The War of Devils against the Christians” ,Panagia Publishing House The category of rational devils (Arhiconi)

„The Arhiconi devils tempt people with self-love, pride, vain glory, heresy, unbelief (atheism), madness, despair and suicide. Satan is the „theology of hell” and it deals specifically with the misinterpretation of Scripture, with the help of devils Arhiconi category. Rational devils(Arhicons) are very strong and pwork fast on the mind of proud people, inspiring ideas contrary to the orthodox doctrine of faith, divine revelation.

These rational devils(Arhicons) are teachers of sectarian, of schismatics, heretics , of philosophers, of free thinkers, theologians that by working together with devils form their own sectarian faith, a heretic, atheist one. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ Himself is tempted by Satan, with quotations from Scripture, misinterpreted by Satan. But our Saviour Jesus answers all with quotations from Scripture, driving Satan away.(Matei4,3-10).

The rational devils(Arhiconi) acted on the Western Catholic Church hierarchy, thus adding the Filioque in the Symbol of Faith, the false teaching that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son of God. „


van Leeuwen, F.; de Bruijne, J. H. J.; Arenou, F.; Bakker, J.; Blomme, R.; Busso, G.; Cacciari, C.; Castañeda, J.; Cellino, A.; Clotet, M.; Comoretto, G.; Eyer, L.; González-Núñez, J.; Guy, L.; Hambly, N.; Hobbs, D.; van Leeuwen, M.; Luri, X.; Manteiga, M.; Pourbaix, D.; Roegiers, T.; Salgado, J.; Sartoretti, P.; Tanga, P.; Ulla, A.; Utrilla Molina, E.; Abreu, A.; Altmann, M.; Andrae, R.; Antoja, T.; Audard, M.; Babusiaux, C.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Barache, C.; Bastian, U.; Beck, M.; Berthier, J.; Bianchi, L.; Biermann, M.; Bombrun, A.; Bossini, D.; Breddels, M.; Brown, A. G. A.; Busonero, D.; Butkevich, A.; Cantat-Gaudin, T.; Carrasco, J. M.; Cheek, N.; Clementini, G.; Creevey, O.; Crowley, C.; David, M.; Davidson, M.; De Angeli, F.; De Ridder, J.; Delbò, M.; Dell'Oro, A.; Diakité, S.; Distefano, E.; Drimmel, R.; Durán, J.; Evans, D. W.; Fabricius, C.; Fabrizio, M.; Fernández-Hernández, J.; Findeisen, K.; Fleitas, J.; Fouesneau, M.; Galluccio, L.; Gracia-Abril, G.; Guerra, R.; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R.; Helmi, A.; Hernandez, J.; Holl, B.; Hutton, A.; Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, A.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Joliet, E.; Jordi, C.; Juhász, Á.; Klioner, S.; Löffler, W.; Lammers, U.; Lanzafame, A.; Lebzelter, T.; Leclerc, N.; Lecoeur-Taïbi, I.; Lindegren, L.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P. M.; Mary, N.; Massari, D.; Messineo, R.; Michalik, D.; Mignard, F.; Molinaro, R.; Molnár, L.; Montegriffo, P.; Mora, A.; Mowlavi, N.; Muinonen, K.; Muraveva, T.; Nienartowicz, K.; Ordenovic, C.; Pancino, E.; Panem, C.; Pauwels, T.; Petit, J.; Plachy, E.; Portell, J.; Racero, E.; Regibo, S.; Reylé, C.; Rimoldini, L.; Ripepi, V.; Riva, A.; Robichon, N.; Robin, A.; Roelens, M.; Romero-Gómez, M.; Sarro, L.; Seabroke, G.; Segovia, J. C.; Siddiqui, H.; Smart, R.; Smith, K.; Sordo, R.; Soria, S.; Spoto, F.; Stephenson, C.; Turon, C.; Vallenari, A.; Veljanoski, J.; Voutsinas, S.


The second Gaia data release, Gaia DR2, encompasses astrometry, photometry, radial velocities, astrophysical parameters (stellar effective temperature, extinction, reddening, radius, and luminosity), and variability information plus astrometry and photometry for a sample of pre-selected bodies in the solar system. The data collected during the first 22 months of the nominal, five-year mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC), resulting into this second data release. A summary of the release properties is provided in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b). The overall scientific validation of the data is described in Arenou et al. (2018). Background information on the mission and the spacecraft can be found in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2016), with a more detailed presentation of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) in Cropper et al. (2018). In addition, Gaia DR2 is accompanied by various, dedicated papers that describe the processing and validation of the various data products. Four more Gaia Collaboration papers present a glimpse of the scientific richness of the data. In addition to this set of refereed publications, this documentation provides a detailed, complete overview of the processing and validation of the Gaia DR2 data. Gaia data, from both Gaia DR1 and Gaia DR2, can be retrieved from the Gaia archive, which is accessible from https://archives.esac.esa.int/gaia. The archive also provides various tutorials on data access and data queries plus an integrated data model (i.e., description of the various fields in the data tables). In addition, Luri et al. (2018) provide concrete advice on how to deal with Gaia astrometry, with recommendations on how best to estimate distances from parallaxes. The Gaia archive features an enhanced visualisation service which can be used for quick initial explorations of the entire Gaia DR2 data set. Pre-computed cross matches between Gaia DR2 and a selected set of large surveys are