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Rapala fishing download

Rapala Pro Fishing sets the standard forall fishing games. According to the publisher, never before has a fishing gamebrought you all the authentic Rapala fishing gear, guided fishing trips withRapala's Pro Staff and a boatload of action. Time to set the hook and land thattrophy of a lifetime. The game's realistic fish detail with advanced AI,including bass, pike, walleye, salmon, catfish, muskie, trout, and many more.Rapala Pro Fishing features 21 tournaments, over 500,000 specially selectedacres of the world's finest trophy waters, guided trips led by Rapala's ProStaff, and some special unlockable levels like the Amazon River and the DanubeDelta.
Rapala Pro Fishing mechanics are similarto most fishing video games, and truthfully, they aren't much more advancedthan the Harvest Moon mini games. The whole approach is rather simple: find adecent fishing spot in a boat, select the correct equipment, and cast a line.There are two options for casting, an easy cast and the more realistic manualcast, but with easy cast turned on, players simply select the area of waterthey would like to cast into and press the reel release button. Normal castingrequires a little more skill. This technique is easy to get the hang of andafter a few 8 foot attempts I was easily launching my lures across the lake.Fortunately, in either mode there is no risk of casting into your friend's faceor becoming so tangled in your line that a pair of lawn sheers are needed to freeyou. Both of these real life situations plague every one of my fishing trips.
The camera briefly points out any fishthat are approaching the lure and proceeds to focus in on the bite. Once youget a bite, the camera switches back to the third person, behind the boatperspective. Hooking the fish simply involves pulling back on the rod and it isnow time to reel that sucker in. This is the meat and potatoes of any fishinggame, the age old struggle to balance reeling speed with line tension. There isa tension bar similar to every other tension indicator used in a fishing videogame. If the fish starts jumping out of the water or fighting in a certaindirection, players must accommodate its movements by moving the rod. If youleave too much slack, the fish will throw the hook and if you ignore hightension your line will snap.
Throughout the game your fishing buddywill offer helpful comments on the situation and your choice of equipment. Thiscan be incredibly helpful in situations, which require minor adjustments. Forexample, in Florida I was positive that I was using the correct lure but Iwasn't attracting any bites. My fishing buddy pointed out that I hadn't madethe best choice of color for my lure. I experimented with the color options andlo and behold, I began to real them in like a pro.
On the positive side, the menu interfaceis sleek and user friendly with detailed information on all of the equipment,fish, and locations. Rapala also sports some visuals that are attractive if notimpressive. There are some pretty underwater sunlight effects and droplets ofwater kicked up by the boat stick to the screen for a short time. (You mayremember this effect from Quantum Redshift.) The most visually impressive partof the game takes place below the waterline. The fish are much better lookingthan the character models and the water swims with algae and aquatic plantlife. There isn't a lot of material to discuss in terms of animation.Characters cast their line and various fish swim towards the lure. Overall, theexperience feels very generic. Fishing games are not known for their super highproduction values and this game certainly doesn't break the trend.
Pro Fishing Challenge by Atlus realltraised the bar in terms of online features with voice support and onlinemultiplayer that supported up to eight people. Rapala Pro Fishing advertisesonline capabilities, but the game's only online feature is a scoreboard.Fishing isn't a sport that is conducive to multiplayer elements, but it wouldhave been nice to see some creative online options such as a casting contest,or the style of tournament that takes place in the one player game.

Back when the Dreamcast was the latest andgreatest piece of hardware, SEGA proved that fishing games could be addictiveenough to hit a mainstream audience and it feels like fishing games have beengoing backwards ever since. Rapala Pro Fishing is an average game at best andit doesn’t offer any compelling reasons to pick it over the competition.



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