Altera University Program Qsim
Richard Šusta, Version 1.2 from 30-Sep-15, published under GNU Free Documentation License If you want to conveniently transfer your projects between the laboratory and home, you can install a free license Quartus II Web Edition Software, on your computer. Free vision has only insignificant limits with.
- I'll also say, make sure not to think about writing Verilog as writing software code. You're describing hardware, not writing a program! This is a huge trip up to the students in the digital classes I TA. Also, you may prefer to use QSim for simulation at first, which is part of the Altera university program.
- I'll also say, make sure not to think about writing Verilog as writing software code. You're describing hardware, not writing a program! This is a huge trip up to the students in the digital classes I TA. Also, you may prefer to use QSim for simulation at first, which is part of the Altera university program.
When I click under the button Run functional Simulation
, I see this error:
This is the directory of ModelSim-Altera.
I'm working with Quartus 13.1 Cyclone III
How can I solve this problem?
stkent1 Answer
Quartus is pretty stupid when it comes to spaces in directory names. Your path has multiple spaces
../Arquitectura Computacional/Ejem_1 - 18-02-15/..
Try to build your project inside a no space directory path like
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TLDR { So, I know nothing about FPGA/CPLD beyond what they logically are.. could design one if I were crazy enough.. hmm.. design open source cpld in fpga.. gotta try that. I use PIC and MIPS, micro fun and mini-Linux stuff. I program in C and Go(, best fucking language there is), I don't like C++/Java/scripting. I like two things, cheap and simple, what I want to do is too much work for a decent MIPS core and is very parallel, so an FPGA/CPLD would be good. }
So for the HDL.. which is best for someone who likes Go the most and C second best?
Who has a free suite that lets me graphically design logic? Some large parts of what I want to do would be a nightmare to describe in any HDL.
Is the best suite also reasonably simple and from whoever makes reasonably priced cpld/fpgas?