Altera University Program Qsim

Richard Šusta, Version 1.2 from 30-Sep-15, published under GNU Free Documentation License If you want to conveniently transfer your projects between the laboratory and home, you can install a free license Quartus II Web Edition Software, on your computer. Free vision has only insignificant limits with.

Active1 month ago
  1. I'll also say, make sure not to think about writing Verilog as writing software code. You're describing hardware, not writing a program! This is a huge trip up to the students in the digital classes I TA. Also, you may prefer to use QSim for simulation at first, which is part of the Altera university program.
  2. I'll also say, make sure not to think about writing Verilog as writing software code. You're describing hardware, not writing a program! This is a huge trip up to the students in the digital classes I TA. Also, you may prefer to use QSim for simulation at first, which is part of the Altera university program.

When I click under the button Run functional Simulation, I see this error:

This is the directory of ModelSim-Altera.
I'm working with Quartus 13.1 Cyclone III

How can I solve this problem?

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Altera University Program Qsim
Marcela YanzaMarcela Yanza

1 Answer

Quartus is pretty stupid when it comes to spaces in directory names. Your path has multiple spaces

../Arquitectura Computacional/Ejem_1 - 18-02-15/..

Try to build your project inside a no space directory path like


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Posted by6 years ago

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Altera Monitor Program Download

TLDR { So, I know nothing about FPGA/CPLD beyond what they logically are.. could design one if I were crazy enough.. hmm.. design open source cpld in fpga.. gotta try that. I use PIC and MIPS, micro fun and mini-Linux stuff. I program in C and Go(, best fucking language there is), I don't like C++/Java/scripting. I like two things, cheap and simple, what I want to do is too much work for a decent MIPS core and is very parallel, so an FPGA/CPLD would be good. }

So for the HDL.. which is best for someone who likes Go the most and C second best?

Altera University Program Qsim

Who has a free suite that lets me graphically design logic? Some large parts of what I want to do would be a nightmare to describe in any HDL.

Is the best suite also reasonably simple and from whoever makes reasonably priced cpld/fpgas?

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Altera University Program Qsim